picture of newborn / firstborn / parenthood / parenting

#Adulting Ep. 00: The Giant Pink Prune

It all started during COVID-19... 

Hmmm gasgas na yan or as they say in English - fuelfuel..... 😑

Well I never claimed to be a comedian but since you are here, might as well stay for the bit and never look back to the 3 minutes you have wasted. (+10 #Adulting points if you are reading this, while sitting on the throne.)

Kidding aside, that perhaps is one of the most ubiquitous genesis story of recent past for a start up business. Ours does decussate with the pandemic but our origin started way way wayyy back. And to start this story, I need to bring you back to  a time of wining and dining, a time of jet setting miles redemption galore, and a time free of these face hugging napkins. 

Around 7 years ago, I found myself having a cheat meal in a hospital room. I was watching a video on Netflix (?) or perhaps something else I downloa *cough* ehem... found online. With the smell of grease in the room and the taste of the Colonel's 11 secret spices lingering on my palette, I was sprawled across the guest bunk when the pager sounded with its familiar *ding-dong*. I cocked my head not unlike a dog (or a cat) who hears something of interest. In hindsight, it was perhaps an overly animated effort given I was alone in the room but then I thought it fitting given the importance of the anticipated event. I heard my name called by a female robotic voice. 

I hurried myself to the designated area and announced myself. It didn't take long for them to call me in and then there he was.

The most beautiful giant pink prune I have ever set my eyes on. 

I reached out timidly. He was so delicate, wrapped like fine china ready for travel. I held the little human in my arms. I was lost in thought, it was surreal.

Waking me from my stupor, the nurse was kind enough to ask (remind) me for my smartphone. Holding him gingerly, I remember thinking to myself "Parang National Geographic lng. Its all wrinkled and pink. I wonder if they left it too long in the bath. I hope I don't drop y...". He suddenly started crying his tiny little lungs out.

Still in a daze, I found myself walking back to the room. I made the mandatory phone calls to let people know the delivery was a success. Then I made a few more to people I wanted to share the joy with. I was all giddy with the prospect and inebriated from the congratulations that I failed to see. This was just the beginning. Nothing will be the same again. Nothing.

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